Tuesday, April 19, 2011


The real truth to that answer is by C-section but that is not at all what I mean nor the answer you’re probably looking for.

For about a year and half my husband has been encouraging me to write a blog. The main reason I have hesitated for so long is because, although, English is my first language I suck at writing, grammar (I’m a comma whore), vocabulary; thank goodness there is spell check, and even at times speaking it. I am dyslexic. I’m sure you’ll find many mistakes and I don’t generally care about what people think about me but because this is something I find weak in myself it took me awhile to get over it. And, I did. But, isn’t it about the story, adventures, the tips, and cool things you can learn from a blog, rather than correct punctuation or sentence structure? For me it is.  Hmmm…  Maybe you would understand better if I was clear but eventually people learn me and get it. Maybe you will too… Maybe…

I recently had a huge transition in my life. I moved to Arizona. I was born and raised in South Florida and in my 34 years of living there, me, my husband and our three cats left. (BTW, taking three cats on a plane is more hell then you will ever know. Maybe a blog story one day?) I left my job in Florida and took a risk with a start-up company that I had such belief for, but the owners were not successful in final funding, so here I am, unemployed.

Moving on, so with this extra time I have now decided that I will finally blog. It’s like an online diary and I do have a paper diary as well. I’ve had a paper diary for years. That has my most inner struggles and pains of my life where I usually say a lot of bad words and confess my deepest pains life gives at times. I doubt any of that will ever appear here. But, there are a couple parts that just might.


Okay, you have to think of something savvy, catchy, or something that fits you... My first was Odd & The Cats. Eh, lame. Who in the hell wants to read about my adventures with my cats. I don’t want to be the crazy cat lady, although, I am crazy, and I do follow a cat blog that I love (The Adventures of Tibbles the Cat). It wasn’t quite fitting because there is much more to my life that I want to share. Second name, The Crabby Lion. It was based off my astrological signs. I’m a Cancer (crab)/Leo (lion). The lion fit me, I am proud and protective over my pride (both ego and family/friends). However, the "Crabby" seemed to come off as if I was crabby person rather than having a hard shell, so again, not quite fitting.

This past Friday, I was at the peak of Tom’s Thumb Trail in the McDowell Mountains laying on a large warm boulder with a cool breeze blowing, my hat over my face, listening to the Canyon Wren birds sing in the air that I decided to I take a little cat nap. It was when I awoke the name hit me: Life is Full of Spice and Adventures. Talk about elaborating for such a simple answer, huh? In the past I use to fill in those “About Me” with: Spice of Life. So, there it is. Blog name was born.

Who knows how this blog will progress? What will the main focus be? I am quite sure it will vary. Right now, my intentions are Food, I love to cook. Adventures, life is full of them whether I’m hiking, kayaking, climbing, racing, vacationing, camping, or about the ah-ha moments. Basically, it’s about me. Audrey Price.

Welcome to my world.